Quality Workmanship By Lombard House Painters
Lombard house painters take several things into consideration when deciding what kind of paint to use. Often, the type of paint they apply to different surfaces is determined by the quality of the surface. For instance, some customers want Lombard house painters to apply high gloss paint to their walls, thinking that it will be easier to clean, or more modern looking. The truth is that semi-gloss paint is just as easy to clean. And, for a modern look, you need more than high gloss paint.
Lombard house painters know that high gloss paint applied to a typical textured drywall application will not yield the modern look you may desire. The high gloss, modern look only works on perfectly smooth surfaces, devoid of any texture. And, without the texture, any flaws in the drywall will become extremely evident. To get the sleek, shiny, modern look, Lombard house painters recommend that you have clean, fresh construction that was specifically done with a modern look in mind.
If you still want your Lombard house painters to use high gloss paint, it will look really good on textured walls in the living areas, where you’ll display artwork and hang mirrors. The high gloss background will be a great compliment to these decorations, and the reflective nature of the paint will brighten the room.
One place that high gloss paint will be very useful is on cabinets, doors, door frames, chair rails, and baseboards. Lombard house painters will often use high gloss oil based paints on these areas because of the durability and ease of cleaning.
Pristine Painting and Decorating are Lombard house painters, and have a well-established tradition of quality workmanship, meeting the painting and decorating needs of dozens of clients in the Dupage County, Kane County, McHenry, Schamburg, and Montgomery areas. Contact Pristine Painting and Decorating on their website, or call them at 63-546-5528 to hire quality house painters.