Pointers From Lombard House Painters
Lombard house painters are well acquainted with the problems homeowners face in keeping paint adhered to wet and mildewed surface areas. The areas in your home that are the wettest often are difficult to paint. This would be the laundry room, kitchen, and bathrooms. Some homes also have a mud room or dog washing area.
These are the areas in which dryer lint sticks to the wall because of the moisture condensation. The popcorn ceiling may bubble because of accumulated moisture. When this happens, the only solution is to remove the popcorn texture and retexture the ceiling and paint it. Even when the area has a good exhaust fan, moisture will still build up in the area, damaging surfaces. For walls, cabinets, and trim in these areas, Lombard house painters will usually use semi-gloss paints. The finish for this type of paint is harder than what you get with satin finish or flat paints. Since it is harder, it will be a little shinier and easier to clean, which is handy in areas where there is a lot of moisture. High gloss paints also work, but they tend to show the flaws in the surfaces more than the semi-gloss paint. The harder finish will also be more resistant to any ambient or direct moisture. It is also easy to clean, which is a plus since it will be in areas that may get muddy or covered in lint. Lint and dust tend to “set” in the moisture that accumulates on the edges of your cabinets, baseboards, and chair rails, and will have to be scrubbed off.
You may also have some mildew on the walls. Paint doesn’t stick to mildew. A mixture of bleach and water will kill the mildew, and then you can scrub it off. Once the mildew spores are removed, they no longer present a hazard for allergy sufferers. Then, the area should be painted with primer. Primer will seal the surface and create a bonding surface for the paint. By sealing the surface, the mildew will be less likely to return. Then, the final coat of paint is applied.
Lombard house painters know a lot about taking care of their equipment and the longevity of paint. Have you ever wondered if the left over paint in that old paint can is good? Painting contractors can tell you whether the paint is any good or not.
Keep in mind that home improvement stores have thousands of gallons of paint on hand at all times, and painting contractors themselves store gallons and buckets of paint. In these cases, sometimes the paint will even freeze. It certainly can get hot, stored in warehouses and storage buildings as it so often is. Lombard house painters will tell you that as long as the paint doesn’t stink you can still use it. You just need to stir it up really well. A good tool for this is a drill attachment that has a long rod with a stirrer on the end.
However, paint can, and does, spoil. If the pain in the can smells like anything but paint, it has spoiled and must be safely disposed of. In addition, if the paint is lumpy, it won’t be any good, either. This can happen sometimes when it has been frozen repeatedly.
Painting contractors will tell you that it’s a good idea to hang onto your half-full cans of paint. If you need to touch up an area that has been painted, the extra paint will match. The paint will keep well for a couple of years. If you can store it where it will be protected from extreme heat or cold, it will keep very well. When you open the can, stir the paint very well, as it will be separated. You can’t take it to the paint store because the balance will be wrong for their shakers.
Pristine Painting and Decorating has a well-established tradition of quality workmanship, and has met the painting and decorating needs of dozens of clients in the Dupage County, Kane County, McHenry, Schamburg, and Montgomery areas. Contact Pristine Painting and Decorating on their website, or :
Call them at 630-546-5528 to hire quality house painters.